Award-winning support from hosting experts, 24/7/365 | 99.9% uptime & money-back guarantee
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Host your website on the platform built expressly to optimize WordPress, with high-performance coolness like load-balanced servers and SSD drives.
As the world’s largest WordPress hosting provider, we have award-winning, 24/7 support ready to solve your toughest hosting issues, plus hundreds of WordPress videos and interactive walkthroughs.
Rest assured with our WordPress core auto-updater, keeping your site safe with automatic patches and updates.
Optimised security setup that hardens the security for your website, everyday without rest.
One-click to install the latest WordPress version on any domain names and begin building your site. Use our temporary domain first if you don’t have a domain yet!
Tailored virtual hosting solutions for your business! digital host offers customised web hosting keeping in mind the goals & requirements of your specific business.
Digital host -powered WordPress plans are recommended for WordPress sites for blazing-fast speeds with top-notch reliability.